Tuesday 23 February 2010


Pegi skola tp x blajar! hahahaha.. td pnt gile! jogging 1 round kat tasik seksyen 6..Pastu buat exersise die pehh pnt seyh... OK! new mission, nk speaking ngan kawan batak sngt? nev. mind.. ahhh..buku skrap KT x siap lagi.. so freaking tired SEYH!!!! homework aku x wat langsung!:D :) how fun? hehehesx

Practise OLAHRAGA sampai 1 MARCH! O dear my frieds yang bersekolah di S.R.A SEKYEN 3!, good luck guys ! hope u get mumtaz... ;) OMG? nk party ngan homework..
Nak join? best.. blh wat dangdut..

:):D <3 xxx

Thursday 18 February 2010


korean's fashion

Friday 12 February 2010

dear athirah johana qistina!

u <;;;;;;;;;> plis isi kekosangan bhahahaha..
athirah ex-****s kang aku kasi tau padan muka... haahaha
this week has been absolutely fantastic! :D :D :D
hilarious :L yesterdayy ? lmao! aduss aduss aduss bnyk nk mati seh homework -,- -.-
maths die?perrrr bnyk nye question!! ok ok ok let's talk about something yg lain
sungguh hebat! skang ni cekgu - cekgu di skba dh ade facebook ! hahahaha
hebat hebat :D :)
skang ni kt FB aku dh ade 300 friend.. ooppss i mean 303 fren la.. teror
bhahaha poyo nk mati seyh ! pecot cekgu! : P
ok la ok la..
my sis a.k.a penyebok :P hihih *JOKES* nk on plak
so bye

Wednesday 27 January 2010

baru abis pre-upsr
x best lngsung
satu reason kalo dpt teruk sbb baru masok skolah x tau pape ? hihihihihi
perikse dh selesai -,-

bile aku bace post lame aku rase sakai la plak
rase x biase pakai tudung lerr tp nk pakai jugak
kan alim,right?
ade org glk!smpi ati sedeyh sngt!
ok lah cni je nk 2lis

Friday 22 January 2010


what is the most important thing in your life?
-family? > -friends? > -GOD? damn right :D > -love? > -yourself?
> -being famous/popular/hot/pretty? > -or maybe your attitude?
DON'T really know eh? well, u had your own choice
obviously for religious people they would say GOD
for people who really kind would say family,god,friends!
for people who really want to show off or always thinking about him/herself..
she/he would probably say 'myself' attitude n being famous,hot n ect..

what if u get 3 wish?
what do u wanna say?
i would probably say :-
first wish i want to be rich
second wish i want a perfect world
third i want 10 000 million wish..
fourth wish i want to be a perfect girl
fifth wish i want my family live in a perfect world n have a perfect children
that's what i got? how bout u?

nkl siap nk pegi pepustakaan bye

Sunday 17 January 2010

ok :)

who loves to annoy people? ME! i'll be the first person who put up her hands!!lol
u know parrt formspring yg org tanye soalan tu? i'll be the person yg asyik tanye soalan bodoh2..
pastu soalan bnyk bnyk.. nk sakitkan ati org..padan muke!! muahaha
anyway,sarah dah smpai malaysia :D happy sangat smpai boleh terbang ke atas langit ^ ^
kalo nmpk org ats langit tu sarah la :P only joking babyh :L ok..what's next?
ouh skolah!nk tgk gmbr?nnti sarah upload...cene nk tgk ? pergi skola pon belom lagi!!
ade org kate nk buat bile?tmpt pon x tahu lagi =.=
ok jom lawan bahasa baku nk x?
afraid of losing ? LOSER!! *jokes* get it?
i'm not cause i always win nahh..not really.. always lose
selasa ini sarah nak masuk sekolah well mungkin... sungguh tak sabar? ok x?ke skema sngt?
well...sarah nak cakap terima kasih kepada orang yang sudi baca blog ni dan orang yang tolong sarah seperti along sarah yang membenarkan sarah tidur dekat rumah diaorang dan orang yang ambil sarah dekat airport.. anyway,airport dlm bahasa melayu apa?

Friday 15 January 2010


half way to go :) <--- the post.. :d
dah smpi malaysia ;) semalam sampai..
ade satu pramugari ni gns doh!
adik sarah x mo duduk atas seat die sendiri pastu
pramugari tu die ckp la "did she has her own seat?" then
my mum pon ckp "yeah" sambil menunjukkan jari-nya ke seat tu...
pramugari tu pegi pakse budak kecik iaitu adikku; mane lah die paham...
menangisla si fina tu (adikku)
satu kapal terbang dgr tchu tchu tchu
pastu ..
pramugari yg gns tu ckp " i don't care! She must sit on her own seat... She's too big to sit on her mum... "
pastu mak sarah pon ckp la "ok ok "

dipaksenye fina utk duduk di atas kerusinya dgn hati yg x rela fina pon duduk la ats kerusi tu..
lps die kene pakse duduk ats seat tu die pon menagis supaye semue org pandang dia ... ouh..malu sungguh semue org pandang!oh mie god!ade jugak mat saleh berleter pasal fina menangis..

Wednesday 13 January 2010


esok balik malaysia betapa gembira! :) :D

Thursday 7 January 2010


hi! :D
aku buat Snowman ari ni kat garden aku tp die mcm cacat cket :(
betape sedihnye :l hahahaks :L mate die pon mcm kening paling best die ade mate 3-D
kaki die mcm songkok =.= tp x leh samekan ngan songkok bedose TAU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
snow pon tinggal cket tp x pe lah dpt jugak main snow for the last time -.-
sedih tp happy wth?hahax
namenye snowman tp x perfect baru ku tahu snowman tu susah nk buat ingtkan pusing je nnti jd besar rupenye x.. nnti nk buat baby die pulak perhaps bini die or family die..?
eh aku ni semangat betul tp x buat pon hahahaks :D
ye larhh setakat ckp semue org boleh buat....
kalo nk gmbr nnti aku masukkan ok ?

ari ni me n my brother ade buat something!!! WE DID THE BIGGEST............................................... BED!not snowman ok ?? :L hihihihihihihihihihi aku yg rancang credits to me ! ;D
senanye katil tu kecik je tp aku ltk 3 tilam n die jd mcm giant!WOW kan?
kitorg main slide pastu lompat2 boing!boing!
mcm rabbit heheheher

lagi 3 ari je aku nk balik syok..AMSTERDAM eh silap UNITED KINGDOM eh silap lagi MALAYSIA hihihihi huuuhuuhu random :l:l
3 days can u imagine? happy but sad :) :( :') :'(

Wednesday 6 January 2010


mkn aiskrim sdp!!!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

hye pembace,
malaysia,malaysia :D 4 hari lagi... ku menderita kerana tidak dapat jumpa si dia..
eh?dah jd rhythm ke ryhme x la sape kisah?k..u get the idea!
barang ku di dalam kotak ape nk buat online je?
^vacuumm - aku malas
^bace buku (studying) - for geeks :P mungkin bosan =.=
^makan - dah bnyk sampai gemuk
^kms bilik - baik biar kotor lagi rocks ;P
^bukak internet - kalo bukak lame2 bosan ah.!
^tgk tv - cite x best
^swearing _ mencarot - agak best tp berdose
^bergosipan bersame ibu n kakak - tambah dose la plak ""
^berangan - x de gune
^tolong mak - letih la pulak
^tido - nnti keluar airliur basi pularkk
^*^maybe mandi lame-lame !!

cakap pasal mandi aku dah x mandi 1,2,3 or 4?
maybe 3 or 4 days i dah x mandi!!!!busuk gile urgghh stay away from me -.-
hehehehehe.....but i'm not joking ok?my ketiak busuk sngt gile busuk!!
same like my hair !STINKS!i'm STINKS!!
my mum always said 'pegi mandi' i do it. itulah kan name nye budak baik ikot je la ape mak kate.. TAPI..the next day aku buat bende yg same X MANDI !IT FEELS GOOD!
pastu after two days my mum ckp la bende same ' PEGI MANDI!'and the same thing happened.. YOU GET THE IDEA DON'T YOU?
ok la nk off bye
nk tgk cite family guy the funniest story/cartoon i ever seen :D :)

join group

hye guys ;)
join group saye buat..
i hate upsr
link die
no offence k..
plis join ye la kpd org yg benci upsr like me
sort of..
:D :)
today,lepak di rumah dan membuang mase onlining
6 hari lagi
souvenier aku gi ltk dlm kotak tah cukup ke x..
arhh sape baik dapatla souvenier sape jht pandai2 ah..
ini lah ape yg aku buat skang ni -.-

glk glk n onlining
tetapi still x happy sbb ade org menyebok die nk main
org itu terjatuh kapade kakak ku yg busuk!!!
penyebok =.=
bende kedue yg akan ku buat
cube teke??tgk phone laa

Kalo terlampau bosan aku buat ni
ape lagi TIDO LAA

k bye

Sunday 3 January 2010

2010 fun or boring ?

upsr :'(
5A aku pon x sure ???
then,study kene UNCOOL! thumbs down plis~~
internet weekend jerh
tuisyen ptg mlm
henpon stay dkt umah..
hang out ngan frens x leh slalu
kelas maybe intan kalo kls penuh
homework obviously banyak.
brg kontena sampai lambat..
gonna miss uk's mates :'(

jumpe grandad :)
jumpe frens n family
boleh mkn di mane 2
x perlu carry botol ke toilet lagi :D
panas not sejuk :d
no more baju sejuk YAYYAY
HOME! ^__^ ^.^
barang murah hurmm ~


pretty much that's it -.-

Friday 1 January 2010


time is gone... :O
2009 gone :(
and here come 2010 :)
but,in the same way it felt not good..
'Cause i'm getting older :/ which is not very good..
And next year is a the scarriest year in my life ..
not good,not fun,not awesome
Anyway, x sabar la nk balik MALAYSIA! :D ;) :)
AWESOME !!! ^ ^

Yerr,also x sabar nk jumpe my grandad and my lovely friends c(:
Hurmmmmm,and HIM ???Don't know Don't care :P
HAPPY :ddddd
Azamku tahun 2010 ialah untuk dapat i-pod dan dapat 5A
doakan yer..hehe ~~